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25 Book Reviews Frequently Auto-Approved Professional Reader

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

OK Then Miss Ayesha!

 A fresh, interesting, and entertaining novel.

I really liked Ayesha. Watching her wrestle with duty to her family and her wanting to pursue her art is a familiar tale; but Jalaluddin breathes new life into this trope with the details from the Muslim religion and various cultures.  It was eye opening. The author does a great job tackling topics such as arranged marriages and Islamaphobia, and She made it very interesting.  I loved having non-white characters as the main love interests.  The other characters were Great and the plot was interesting.

Great debut!

All about the Witches...

Small Town, Big Magic by Hazel Beck I picked this up because it was romance and had witches in it. S/N I will give anything that has wi...