NetGalley Badges

25 Book Reviews Frequently Auto-Approved Professional Reader

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Happy New Year!

 I suppose I'm a few weeks late with my New Year salutations.

I've been quite busy on the book front.

I am currently a judge on two book panels.  I am also on the Bookseller Advisory Council for the ABA.  Such an exciting time!

I have set a personal reading goal of 44 books for this year.  So far, I've read two entire books.  I'm not counting my panel books. That seems like reading for work.  Well happy reading my friends.

Remember to check out my Bookstagram page:

All about the Witches...

Small Town, Big Magic by Hazel Beck I picked this up because it was romance and had witches in it. S/N I will give anything that has wi...