Monday, November 23, 2020

Isn't It Romantic?!

I'm a big fan of Romance and about a week ago, my friend Sarah (who is also a Romance fan) posted on Twitter that she wanted a "Playlist of Songs with romance book recommendations to go with each song."
Since I've really been getting into making these playlists I accepted the challenge.
Here is the playlist. Each recommended book is across from its corresponding song.
They are essentially in the same position in each column (Book #3 goes with Song #3).

Few disclaimers:
-I only picked contemporary romance.  I rarely read historical and I didn't feel I could find corresponding songs.
-I chose songs that encompassed the entire mood of the book.  Quite honestly, I could do a playlist for each book. 🤔
-Red, White, and Royal Blue and Boyfriend Material are both Gay romance novels. It was important to me to choose Gay recording artists.  It seemed wrong to choose a song sung to a woman.
-There are thousands of songs that could have been chosen.  This is my list.  If you don't agree with it or like, go make your own.

Spotify links: 
